The first published (inside or outside the USA, commercial or public sector) use of the term "enterprise architecture" occurred in a Federal Government document on system integration. In chapter seven of that document Bradford Rigdon stated "This panel addressed the need of architectures and standards in supporting information management throughout an enterprise." and shortly after "This paper takes a broader view, and describes the need for an "enterprise architecture" that includes an emphasis on business and information requirements." And again speaking of the scope of the architecture "The Business Unitmay portray either a total corporate entity (that is the enterprise is the business unit) or a corporate sub-unit."
These statements occurred while others, including John A. Zachman, were still discussing individual large integrated systems in the enterprise. But this new conception was apparently different, a comprehensive view of all the information systems in the enterprise, a complete inventory.
"If you do anything long enough, you eventually get good at it." MK